Comprehensive Hospice Program Located in Alexandria, MN
Serving Douglas County and Surrounding Communities.

Providing Compassionate Care Since 1983

Comprehensive Hospice Program Located in Alexandria, MN
Serving Douglas County and Surrounding Communities.

Providing Compassionate Care Since 1983

Supporting Patients and Their Families at Every Step of the Journey

The Hospice of Douglas County team is made up of people from our community; we are your neighbors and your friends and we are committed to working together with you and your family to provide the best possible care.

There are many things about Hospice of Douglas County that set us apart from other types of health care programs.

Our high quality hospice program includes special services such as; pet therapy, music therapy, massage therapy, parting gift letter writing, care for veterans as well as care focused on physical, emotional and spiritual symptoms.

Award-Winning Hospice Care

Hospice Honors Elite logo

Hospice Honors and Hospice Honors Elite

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National Recognition for Commitment to Quality Improvement

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Excelled in State and Federal Medicare Recertification

“The care and support you shared with mom means more than you can imagine.”

“I am amazed and in awe of your love and caring – it is just perfect!”

“Thank you for your service and care
of my father.”

Not Sure Where to Begin?

It’s never too soon to discuss with your family and medical provider the care options available to you when facing a serious illness.